
What are we reading on World Book Day?

By Laura / 3rd March 2022 / Comments Off on What are we reading on World Book Day?

It’s World Book Day, so naturally there’s discussion in the office about the books we’re currently reading. As a PR agency, we’re all lovers of the written word, even though we may have differing tastes – we’re yet to get Dave reading Harry Potter books, not for lack of trying. So here are some of…

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Working from home with Laura

By Laura / 2nd April 2020 /

Whilst I am officially on maternity leave due to my baby, Miles, being born 6 weeks ago, I am still popping onto my laptop to complete certain tasks and keeping in contact with the WorkPR team. In between nappy changes, bottle feeds and lots of hand washing I am creating and sending out invoices, checking…

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The writers that inspire the writers

By Laura / 9th August 2019 /

As walkers of the PR world, reading is a big part of our lives. We have an office full of books on every topic and our houses are just the same. Since it’s #NationalBookLoversDay the conversation of favourite authors came up in the office, we thought we’d share the authors that have inspired us as…

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