Any business that is looking to connect with their target market and gain access to a host of new contacts should be well in tune with the marketing platform LinkedIn. It has never been so easy to research companies and build relationships with both direct and extensive business contacts.
The legal sector in particular has experienced a major upside from the platforms facilities, with 90% of British lawyers using LinkedIn. It is a programme which allows you to create engaging content and enhance your credibility, not only for you as a lawyer, but for the industry itself.
In short, the success of your online presence often boils down to the delivery of your LinkedIn profile and having a carefully crafted page can make all the difference. Here are our top seven tips to help elevate your lawyer profiles on LinkedIn:
1. Construct a professional profile
First impressions count. It is important to establish the appropriate tone and capture the vision of your firm immediately as the initial communicator to viewers. Compelling headlines and high-quality pictures ought to suffice for this. A clear profile picture that has meaningful representations to law or your firm is crucial for promotional reasons and searchability. This should be followed by a headline. A brief statement that demonstrates the mutual benefits within the client relationship is going to be the most enticing, yet informative approach.
2. Ensure all content is relevant
It is very easy to lose sight of your audience and list all the achievements you have earned over the years. Although it is great to showcase your abilities, content can become slightly peripheral – especially when your profile history discusses features beyond law. Knowing your target audience and regularly renovating your details are the most important steps to over coming this risk. It will inaudibly keep your profile in check because the page is created with consideration of potential targets.
3. Optimise your page for SEO
LinkedIn users may read your page, but will Google? Optimising your pages through keyword research and placement will help increase traffic, visibility, and brand awareness. Ideally, you want to be including terms such as ‘law firm’, ‘partner’ and ‘solicitors’ – alongside other semantics. In turn, search engines will rank your profile higher, and your content will generate more exposure if the field is not too competitive.
4. Consistency is key
It sounds rather self-explanatory, yet many lawyers on LinkedIn cease to work with the changes the platform regularly undergoes. If you aren’t as responsive as other firms to the networking updates, this can interfere with the recognition you receive from potential contacts. Posting frequently and maintaining a receptive understanding of the programme’s interchanges will help tackle the risk of being overlooked.
5. Showcase your achievements
As previously mentioned, simply listing all you have accomplished is not the pathway to shareable content. Granted, that is not to say you shouldn’t document any of the relevant milestones your firm have reached. Clients who view your profile are looking to see what exactly you have to offer and how these strategies produce mutually benefitting relationships. Testimonials, client reviews and referrals are great ways to maintain a balance between under and over-sharing your professional growth.
6. Make use of the summary function
A clear and concise summary will give the illusion that you are a confident legal professional. Lead with how you differentiate to other law firms and what makes you more appealing than the next lawyer. Note how this is achieved through the following of core values and the passion you have for law.
7. Be as active as possible
After following the previous steps, your profile should be elevated to the perfect pitch. All that is left to do is to obtain engagement. This is represented by your punctuality when responding to messages and requests from those interested. A good place to start would be downloading the LinkedIn app. It is all about mobility and would show you’re still open to client conversation even when dealing with conflicting cases.