Working from home with Matt

By Matt | 31st March 2020

We all enjoy the odd day of home-working, but under the current circumstances, it’s somewhat of a necessity that we work remotely.

Luckily, we’re a team of laptop users, which means important client work can be completed from the comfort of our living rooms, even if we’re still in our pyjamas half the time!

Currently, my kitchen table has been transformed into a temporary working space, which means I’m stuffing my face with chocolate in between emails!

So far, it’s not been too bad in terms of managing distractions, but it can sometimes be difficult to resist a five-minute cuddle with the newest member of the family, Stanley the Goldendoodle.

Given the current situation, his presence is quite therapeutic, and it’s given me a good reason to stay active and burn off the calories gained from the excess chocolate scoffing! Fortunately, he’s also a big fan of sleep, so that allows me to continue working during the quieter periods.